Thursday, April 22, 2010

Beefing up the rehab....

In January & February we took a mini break.
We went three days a week for Physical Therapy...but took a break from Speech and Occupational Therapy. Paul still did his 5 hours a day at home...but I needed a little time to put our retirement together. I needed time to handle paperwork.
In March we started adding more we are back to the full load and doing more sessions at home.
I see a big improvement.
Paul is showing progress in his verbal drills. He still can't speak spontaneously but he can imitate a set of two letter words. We're just hoping that someday he'll jump the fence into spontaneity.

ps...Can't wait for the trees to get all their leaves....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wondered where you'd been, can't wait to read the Munich post when I have more time - was it published in SI? I didn't have a subscription then, I was only 11 for goodness sake! Cindy